Paul Craig Robert escribe hoy sobre la columna de Der Spiegel que denuncia al General Breedlove (Cría Amor) por inventar amenazas en Ucrania. Junto con copiar la columna de Der Spiegel, el ex subsecretario de Hacienda del Gobierno del Presidente Reagan no se resiste a una nota de humor. Según él, el modelo del general Breedlove es el general Jack Ripper, inolvidable personaje de la película Dr Strangelove (Doctor Insólito) de Stanley Kubrick, que conduce al mundo a la guerra atómica.
Dice Paul Craig Roberts: "General Breedlove is the real life counterpart to General Jack D. Ripper in the 1964 film, Dr. Strangelove. He can’t wait to start a nuclear war. Americans should be scared to death that a crazed warmonger such as General Breedlove is the commander of NATO and is trying to defeat Europe’s efforts to resolve peacefully the conflict that Washington started in Ukraine. The crazed general is betting that if he can derail the Minsk agreement, Obama can be forced to send arms and US military personnel to Ukraine, thus advancing the situation toward war. Neoconservative Victoria Nuland is doing all she can to help Breedlove sabotage a peaceful resolution".
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