El 29 de Diciembre el diario La Tercera de Santiago de Chile publica declaraciones del líder de la llamada "centro derecha" de España, Mariano Rajoy. Él recibió de los españoles en la elección del 2011 una mayoría absoluta en la Cámara de Diputados. Como éstos se percataron (no era muy difícil) que los años de Rajoy en el poder fueron años perdidos para España, en estas recientes elecciones le arrebataron el amplio poder para gobernar que le habían otorgado.
Así el partido Rajoy solo logró 123 de los 350 diputados con solo el 28,7% de los votos. El 70% restante de los electores votó categóricamente contra Rajoy. A pesar de ello manifiesta Rajoy su voluntad de formar un gobierno "de amplio apoyo parlamentario".¿Cómo puede pretender este "amplio apoyo parlamentario" y continuar dirigiendo el Gobierno español? Con un mínimo de decencia Rajoy debió haber dado un paso al lado inmediatamente después de la elección.
As the world joins Ethiopia in mourning its citizens, butchered like chickens and their bodies discarded like rubbish in Libya last Sunday simply because they were Christians with darker skin colour, we must not forget the genesis of how Libya became a failed state, haven for terrorists, gold mine for people smugglers, genocidal killing-field and mass grave yard almost overnight four years ago.
Many would agree with the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage, who said on the popular BBC Sunday Politics show, "it was the European response that caused this problem in the first place, the fanaticism of (former French president) Nicolas Sarkozy and (British Prime Minister) David Cameron to bomb Libya and what they've done is to completely destabilize Libya; to turn it into a country with much savagery; to turn it into a place where for Christians the situation is now virtually impossible and we ought to be honest and say have we directly caused this problem."
For the benefit of those with selected memories, especially NATO leaders, this is how they have directly and indirectly caused the deaths of 28 Ethiopian Christians and hundreds of thousands of Muslim men, women and children in Libya and across Africa from the north, east and west.
Using or misusing their nuclear weapons status, which give then veto power at the UN Security Council, Britain, France and USA co-sponsored and pushed through Resolution 1973 of March 17, 2011, which authorised "Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements (read NATO), to take all necessary measures, to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi."